A new report released December 1, 2010, has concluded that self-confidence and a can-do attitude are the main determinants to an immigrant's success in Canada. The report was authored by a psychology professor at UBC and an immigrant support group called SUCCESS, based in Vancouver.
Over the past year, the researchers conducted interviews with twenty immigrants from Asia who all consider themselves to be successful after securing careers they consider both worthwhile and well-paid.
Searching for a job can be an emotional journey, and it may take only three to six months before the job searcher loses some self-confidence and energy. Often, Canadian rules and regulations about foreign credentials and education can make finding a career more difficult for immigrants, not to mention cultural and language differences may make communication more challenging.
The good news is that the study found that it is an internal desire for success in the face of challenges that is the best predictor of a positive outcome. This drive to succeed is often more important than other key factors such as the person’s skills, expertise or education.
A newcomer to Canada who believes in his or her responsibility to create good things in his or her life will also need support and programs designed to keep good spirits during the entire job searching process.
Canada is a country built on immigration and believes in making success a reality for all newcomers.
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