The Saskatchewan Minister of Advanced Education, Employment, and Labour, Rob Norris, recently announced that $2.59 million has been allocated to support immigrant service providers across the province.
"This funding will help to ensure that newcomers to Saskatchewan have greater access to the supports they need, allowing them to participate more fully in the community and build their lives here," stated Minister Norris.
$894,500 will be directed to English language training and labour market integration services in Saskatoon and $664,300 to these services agencies in Regina. $1.03 million will be provided to organizations in other communities across the province.
In the 2008-2009 fiscal year, Saskatchewan hopes to nominate 2,800 individuals for fast-track Canadian Permanent Residency through the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). Including the family members of these nominees, Saskatchewan expects to welcome 7,500 newcomers in that time period.