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The provinces of Quebec and Nova Scotia have joined British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario in issuing Lists of Regional Occupations Under Pressure. HumanResources and Social Development Canada (ESDC) has implemented these lists to reduce the amount of time it takes for employers to hire temporary foreignworkers in the listed occupations.

These employers are only required to conduct minimum advertising efforts as proof to ESDC that the positions cannot befilled by Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents - thus reducing the amount of time to obtain Labour Market Opinions (LMO) and Work Permits for the foreign workers.

"With the shortage of labour at an all-time high, foreign workers are a more and more important resource," states the president of the Canadian Federationof Independent Businesses.

Quebec's list indicates 47 occupations under pressure in the following industries: business, finance, and administration, natural and applied sciences,health, sales and service, trades, transport and equipment, among others. There are 11 occupations listed as under pressure in Nova Scotia in engineering,health, teaching, sales and service, and trades, transport, and equipment.

Complete lists for Quebec, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia are available on the ESDC website.