Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced the following changes to the Parents and Grandparents Super Visa take effect July 4, 2022:
- length of stay for Super Visa holders will increase to 5 years per entry into Canada. Currently the length of stay is 2 years per entry.
- people with a Super Visa now will also have the option to extend their stay by up to 2 years at a time while in Canada.
- the Immigration Minister will have the authority to designate international medical insurance companies to provide coverage to Super Visa applicants in the future. Currently, only Canadian insurance providers can provide the necessary health coverage that Super Visa applicants are required to have.
The Super Visa has existed since 2011. IRCC welcomes around 17,000 people to Canada through the Super Visa each year.
The Super Visa is a multiple-entry visa that is valid for up to 10 years. It allows the parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens and permanent residents to reunite with their family in Canada.