Human Resources and Social Development Canada (ESDC) recently announced an investment of $800,000, in collaboration with the Maytree Foundation, which willhelp immigrant skilled workers integrate into the Canadian workforce.
The Assisting Local Leaders with Immigrant Employment Strategies (ALLIES) project will involve a comprehensive set of online tools that will help employersand community groups to better integrate skilled immigrants into the Canadian workforce; thus enabling them to better contribute to economic and social development in Canada and in their communities. Information about mentoring, internships, co-op placements, and loan programs will be made available to employers and immigrants online. The project also seeks to educate Canadian employers by building awareness about the value of internationally-obtained education, experience, and credentials.
“ALLIES will develop online learning tools so that employers can adopt winning strategies when hiring skilled immigrants. This project will also assistlocal communities in coordinating and replicating successful immigrant employment programs,” said Ratna Omidvar, executive director of Maytree.