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Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has recently signed a Youth Mobility Agreement with Poland which allows young people from Canada and Poland to travel and work in each other’s country for a one-year period.

“The Agreement will serve to actively engage our youth to learn about our respective countries, develop skills for global careers and build networks to ensure an even stronger relationship between Canada and Poland for the future,” stated Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs David Emerson.

CIC Minister Diane Finley added; “More than 800,000 people in Canada trace their roots to Poland. This Youth Mobility Agreement provides young Canadians and young Poles with even greater opportunities to work and travel between our two countries.”

Through government Youth Mobility agreements, there are several programs available for Canadians between the ages of 18 and 35. There is the Working Holiday Program, the Student Work Abroad Program, the International Co-op Program, and the Young Professionals/Workers Program. Canada has formal arrangements with 17 countries, including Australia, Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Japan, and Norway.

The Government of Canada has also negotiated reciprocal temporary work permit agreements for youth with close to 40 countries. By promoting world travel to young Canadians, the government is encouraging international network building and cultural discovery. Those who participate can gain the skills and work experience to succeed in an increasingly globalized world.

Because of Youth Mobility Arrangements, every year about 22,000 young Canadians travel and work abroad and 36,000 foreign youth come to Canada.