the CanadaVisa Team - 22 July, 2015
Under the Community Historical Recognition Program (CHRP), Canadian Government recently announced four new projects to reach out to Canada's Chinese community and to raise awareness about its history in Canada and its contributions. It is intended to raise awareness among Canadians about the Chinese Head Tax and other measures that restricted Chinese immigration to Canada between 1885 and 1947.
"The Head Tax and other immigration restrictions that affected Chinese-Canadians are an unfortunate chapter in our history and deserve recognition," said Parliamentary Secretary Alice Wong, on behalf of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney. "These projects will increase understanding of the impact of these policies on the Chinese-Canadian community."
The four projects, which will be delivered by two universities in British Columbia and two community service organizations in Toronto, Ontario, will honour the work of those who challenged this discrimination. It will also recognize and celebrate the Chinese community's contribution to Canadian society.
In June 2006, Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered a full apology to the Chinese-Canadian community for the Head Tax . It was at this time that the Community Historical Recognition Program was established to develop such projects.