the CanadaVisa Team - 03 August, 2012
The first of these consultations took place on July 31st, 2012 in Toronto. Further meetings are scheduled to take place in Windsor, Vancouver, Halifax, and Ottawa. The purpose of these meetings is to seek feedback on immigration issues such as levels of immigration and the appropriate mix of issued visas. Opinions will be sought on how to better encourage Canada’s transition to a “faster, more flexible” immigration system, as well as the economic impact of immigration throughout the country. These meetings are open to key stakeholders as well as members of the general public.
One of the core goals of the consultations is to “generate greater understanding of the difficult decisions involved in managing a global immigration system”, according to CIC”s website. Additional online consultations will be receiving input until August 31st, 2012. Once the consultations have been completed, CIC will construct and publish a report of their findings.