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Canada's Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Chris Alexander, has announced that more than 200,000 people have become citizens of Canada so far in 2014.

50,000 people have become citizens since a simplified application and approval process (see graphic below) came into operation on August 1, 2014. Thisrepresents an increase of 172 per cent on the same period last year. Backlogs in applications have been reduced by a simplified process and anincreased number of staff working on the files.

Speaking in Scarborough, Ontario, Mr. Alexander said that “recent changes to the Citizenship Act mean deserving new citizens are welcomed to theCanadian family more quickly. Because of our efforts, backlogs are reduced, processing times are improved and more new Canadians are forming a strongerconnection to our country.”

Mr. Alexander and other federal government ministers have made a number of public announcements this week relating to Canadian citizenship as theycelebrate and drum up public support for Citizenship Week, which runs until this Sunday.