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A total of 292 invitations have been issued by the Canadian province of British Columbia in the last provincial draw of the year, which took place on December 20, 2017.

In this draw, the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program issued invitations to skilled workers and international graduates through the Skills Immigration — Skilled Worker, Skills Immigration — International Graduate, Express Entry BC — Skilled Worker and Express Entry BC — International Graduate categories.

A portion of the candidates in the draw received an invitation through an Express Entry- ed sub-category. Those candidates are now in a position to apply for and receive an 'enhanced' provincial nomination. A successful nomination results in applicants receiving 600 additional points under the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) and an Invitation To Apply (ITA) at a subsequent draw from the federal Express Entry pool. An invitation to apply for the BC PNP is not the same as the ITA issued at the federal Express Entry level.

The cut-off scores in the latest draw were:

  • Skills Immigration — Skilled Worker: 80
  • Skills Immigration — International Graduate: 75
  • Skills Immigration — Entry Level and Semi-Skilled: 40
  • Express Entry BC — Skilled Worker: 80
  • Express Entry BC — International Graduate: 75

The remaining invitees will have their applications for permanent residence processed outside Express Entry after they receive a nomination from BC. Individuals interested in immigrating to Canada, and who meet the eligibility criteria for certain categories of the BC PNP, are required to create a profile with BC PNP Online and complete all sections of the registration form. Applicants receive a score based on the information they supply and are entered in the selection pool for the immigration category they selected.

In order to be considered under the BC PNP, most candidates must have an indeterminate, full-time job offer from an employer in the province who is willing to support you through the application process.

The BC PNP conducts periodic draws from the pool and issues invitations to apply for provincial nomination to the highest-scoring registrants from each category.

British Columbia had a 2017 allocation of 6,000 provincial nominations. In this draw, the province did not issue invitations through the BC PNP Tech Pilot, however, it is expected to continue conducting tech-only draws in 2018.

  • Wondering if you are eligible for the BC PNP, or other immigration programs? Find out with our free online assessment.

Express Entry BC – Skilled Worker

The Express Entry BC – Skilled Worker category is for international skilled workers who have post-secondary education or training and employment experience in a professional, management, technical, trade or other skilled occupation. Candidates must be eligible to enter the federal Express Entry pool. A successful application under this category results in the candidate receiving 600 points under the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) and a subsequent ITA at the federal level.

To learn more about the Express Entry BC – Skilled Worker category, click here.

Express Entry BC – International Graduate

International graduates who have graduated from a Canadian university or college within the past two years may be eligible to apply under the Express Entry BC – International Graduate category. Interestingly, this category is open to eligible graduates who graduated from a university or college in any location in Canada; it is not restricted to graduates from BC universities and colleges. This category is also ed with the federal Express Entry system.

To learn more about the Express Entry BC – International Graduate category, click here.

Skills Immigration – Skilled Worker

This base category is open to workers with post-secondary education or training and employment experience in a skilled occupation. A job offer is required.

To learn more about the Skills Immigration – Skilled Worker category, click here.

Skills Immigration – International Graduate

This category is for international students who have graduated from a Canadian university or college within two years of applying to the BC PNP. While applicants do not necessarily need prior work experience, applicants are required to obtain a job offer from a B.C. employer.

To learn more about the Skills Immigration – International Graduate category, click here.

Skills Immigration – Entry Level and Semi-Skilled

This category is open to candidates who may not be eligible for other Canadian immigration programs, as it allows certain non-skilled workers to apply for permanent residence. Candidates must work in an eligible occupation within the tourism/hospitality, long-haul trucking, or food processing industries, or in a NOC skill level C or D occupation in the Northeast Development Region of the province.

To learn more about the Skills Immigration – Entry Level and Semi-Skilled category, click here.

To learn more about your Canadian immigration options through the MPNP and other programs, please fill out a free online assessment.