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To wrap up an active Citizenship Week, the Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Chris Alexander, has announced that a number of new Canadian citizens will be sworn in at hockey games this weekend. 35 people will take the oath at the Toronto Maple Leafs game against the Detroit Red Wings tonight and join in singing the national anthem, O Canada.

“As Citizenship Week draws to a close, this is an ideal time for all of us, new and established citizens, to reflect on the value of our citizenship and the importance of embracing Canada’s values and traditions,” said Mr. Alexander. “Welcoming new Canadians by involving them in Canada’s favourite sport is just one way our government is helping new citizens form a strong attachment to our great country.”

Large, public swearing in ceremonies are popular during holidays, such as Canada Day, as well as Citizenship Week. For new Canadians, the citizenship ceremony marks their formal entry into the Canadian family and is a unique part of Canadian civic life. It is an occasion to reflect on the rights, responsibilities, privileges and benefits of being Canadian.