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Working holiday visa from UK


Jan 29, 2012
Hello, been reading this forum for a while but this is my first post.

I am just about to start my application for the working holiday visa or "International experience program", I just have a few questions.

Firstly, I have type 1 diabetes, I keep it very much under control and if I get the visa I plan to take enough medication with me, however, I would like to know how gaining prescriptions etc as a temporary worker would go?

Does worldwide travel insurance cover this?

Would I automatically have prescription fees covered with travel insurance or would I have to claim back at a later date?

Or is it a health insurance package I would have to get?

If none of these options are available is there anywhere I can find out the prices of prescriptions? Specifically in the province of Ontario.

This is the only thing that I am concerned about, everything else is ok. Just want to make sure I cover all bases.

One more thing, I am filling out the police certificate application form, I have got to the question "Have you ever been Arrested, Cautioned, Warned or Reprimanded or been Convicted of a criminal offence in England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland?"

This is probably going to sound stupid, but again I want to cover all bases; When I was 17, I took a bottle of beer from a bar and proceeded to drink it as I was walking to get my train. 2 police officer spotted me, took the beer from me, gave me some grief, I apologised. They searched me, found out I was 17 and therfore drinking underage (as well as drinking on the streets). They took my name and address but I never heard anything from it. This would have been about 7 years ago now.

Regarding the question on the form, should I put yes or no? Hah.

Long post but thanks for reading and hopefully someone can help.