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work permit extension with the same employer: question


Hero Member
Apr 21, 2015
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
03-11-2016, AOR2 24-11-2016
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
upfront (03-06-2016)
Passport Req..
hi there!
My work permit expires Sept 1st 2016, but I got another offer of employment from them and I want to apply for my WP extension with them (already extended once for a year after the first year - it's a year after year fellowship) now. I am LMIA exempt and visa exempt, and will be applying online.

So some time ago I looked into the process of what the extension procedure looks like this year and I would just like to confirm nothing changed since (I think) March, when I last checked.

1. The employer needs to first register on the Employer Portal. Does anyone know if that takes time? I mean, is there a confirmation message that needs to be received by the employer first, before they submit a job offer for me?
2. They submit the job offer for me, pay the employer fee, I copy the job offer ID that shows in the system for my own side of the procedure. Then:
3. I look at the Application Form: :Application to Change Conditions, Extend my Stay or Remain in Canada as a Worker (IMM5710)" and Supporting Documents: Passport, Proof that you Meet the Requirements of the Job Being Offered, Offer of Employment, Invitation Letter, and Digital photo
4. Tthe 'Offer of Employment' the employer writes themselves (on their letterhead), and it includes "whether the job is:
• for continuous, paid, full-time work (at least 30 hours a week),
• for work that is permanent and not seasonal,
• skill type 0, or skill levels A or B of the 2011 National Occupational Classification (NOC)
The job offer letter must include contact information for the company (address, telephone number and email address)." as well as the job offer ID from the Employer Portal.
5. I submit all the other documents (and only those listed here, unless CIC asks me). Are there any other things, like 'employer ID' that was supposed to be given last year in a document that is no longer required, or the employer's fee receipt number, that I should know about before I proceed?
6. Pay my fee and wait.

Did anything change? Were any other documents added? At some point the application also had an Employer Declaration Form (from last year), but I think it later disappeared from the document list. Last year, the Offer of Employment was also a form, but this year it's apparently not. Could anyone confirm,then, that this is how I'll need to proceed and please answer my questions?
