Additionally, the processing time line in any given local office is subject to change dramatically. There was a time, for example, when the Mississauga office was considered to be so much faster than others, some consultants were facilitating the use of a Mississauga address for applicants, rather than their actual address in Canada. Then, Mississauga became one of the most notoriously slow offices.
Be aware that if IRCC so much as perceives the possibility that an applicant has fudged or manipulated information in an effort to gain some advantage in processing, that is an almost sure-fire way to send the application flying off the rails.
Note, for example, among those using a Mississauga office, as advised and facilitated by a consultant, was an individual who made the case that despite using the wrong address he was, nonetheless, resident-in-Canada the whole time, living in Montreal. The Federal Court had no qualms at all about upholding the denial of citizenship based on misrepresentation of his address in Canada.