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Which ports of entry for work permit authorisation?


Jul 23, 2016

I am recently arrived in Canada and have only just received my visa confirmation form. I applied for a 2 year work permit, via IEC, from Australia. I understand that I must leave Canada and re-enter through a port-of-entry where I must present this confirmation letter in order to obtain my visa.

My question is quite simple; will I be able to obtain my work permit at any port of entry? For example; the highway border crossing that I would take if I travelled from New York to Montreal on a greyhound coach, as opposed to at an international airport.

Thanks for your help


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2016
Where are you now in Canada as that would help generate an answer on border.

Usually people would do what is referred as flagpole , that is if they were in Toronto they travel to the border at Niagra cross the bridge to the US but instead of actually entering the US they get an administrative refusal and come straight back to the Canada side where they activate their IEC. No need to complicate things with bus trips from NY. Plenty of posts buried on this forum explaining the flagpole process.


Jul 23, 2016
Thanks for your response.

I understand the flagpoling concept, I am unsure as to whether or not I can authorise my visa at any border, or only a specific few such as airports. I could not find anything in other posts confirming whether or not one's IEC could be activated at specific crossings or not. Given that you say people do it at Niagara, can I assume it to be possible at all highway borders?
I'm currently in Montreal and would like to see NY so I figured a return greyhound trip to there would be a two-birds-one-stone kinda deal :)


VIP Member
Mar 22, 2016
Beleive you can activate at any land border but maybe the issue will be how long it may take depending on how busy they are. Not being familiar with Greyhound buses I assume they cross over the border and may not wait for you but others can comment on that as there are is as I recall some guidance about crossing in public transport versus private vehicle or on foot. If you find the route and the land crossing CBSA have a website detailing the facilities at each crossing.