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Which PG Diploma Course can I do after BBA in India?

Dec 18, 2015
Hello everyone... I am from India and I am completing my Bachelor of Business Administration course this year. It's duration is 3 years. As you may know that it is related to management course and not related to technical field I would like to know what all options I have of doing my PG Diploma.

The following are my questions..

1) Can I do a PG Diploma in Information Technology related fields?

2) After doing my PG diploma what kind of jobs can I expect?

3) Which universities or colleges are best for PG Diploma?

4) Can Indians get good jobs in non-technical fields?

My main intentions are to shift to technical field by doing a PG Diploma course in IT or computer science and then after completing it I will do a job for a couple of years and then move on to doing an MS in IT field and maybe I can get better jobs then.

That's my (not so good) plan. I hope to hear from you guys as to what you think are my options and what can I do about it.

Please help. Thank you in advance.