jstar1 said:
thanks for reply
what is scenario of marketing field....PG in marketing management or PG in international business??
Enfield, Royalsting...do respond
As enfield mentioned PG course + CFA (I would call it an additional skill/ability/knowledge) will be really helpful in acquiring jobs. Job market across Canada varies. Around 1/4th of the population of Canada lives in and around Greater Toronto Area. So you can make out how competitive market would be in that area. Then there are other areas like Quebec and Saskatchewan where markets are not that saturated. But one of the many job requirement in Quebec might include you to know French.
So answering that question to a point of your satisfaction might be difficult. People who are already in Canada say that its difficult to get job in Canada and I will have to agree, be it Marketing or International Business, one needs to have more knowledge than what books tell us and to think scenario is nothing different than India, only difference is word "sifarish" won't be there. One needs an EDGE to get a job with good pay. I am not discouraging anyone just saying that here we can buy degrees throwing money but won't learn anything in that process, there one should learn properly and use that knowledge and get a job. People do get jobs there and the downward or upward communication is not as rigid in job, infact my cousin who is working there told me while planning its okay not only to point of mistake of our boss or seniors but talking a little harshly to him for such mistake as well is fine and he said this applies almost everywhere. So jobs are not like "getting crushed under the boss" types there, but yes let me tell you this, time does crush us. People work very hard there.
Coming back to the topic, I have joined a job site in Toronto and I see new jobs coming up for marketing/hr every 3-4 hours which I don't think makes it difficult for qualified people to get jobs there.