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Which choice I should make in this application question?


Jul 6, 2017

I applied before to extend my student visa but it was refused because I didn't submit a recent letter from the university. I am reapplying and I have these two questions:

1-Have you ever been refused a visa or a permit ? Yes/No

2-Have you previously applied to enter or remain in Canada ? Yes/No

Give details if Yes .

I'm thinking to reply with No to the first question because I already have a visa , it is only the application to extend the visa was refused and with Yes to the second and I will give the details.

Is that correct?

Thank you very much in advance.


VIP Member
Dec 3, 2014
Answer Yes to both and explain if the extension rejection is not rrelevant then it wont matter that you put it there, if it is and you dont put it you can have big problems.