I am in russia. I am applying for visa. I can either mail it in, or apply online.
Are all my files tied together? Will visa officer see my last trip to canada and the fact that I returned home?
Whats better? to mail in application, or submit online?
I applied online to extend my visa in canada. Will visa officer in moscow have acess to my extension application i did in canada so he can see I went home after only one month of the six month extension? That is direct proof showing I have no interest to remain longer in canada beyond visa right??
Are all my files tied together? Will visa officer see my last trip to canada and the fact that I returned home?
Whats better? to mail in application, or submit online?
I applied online to extend my visa in canada. Will visa officer in moscow have acess to my extension application i did in canada so he can see I went home after only one month of the six month extension? That is direct proof showing I have no interest to remain longer in canada beyond visa right??