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What to tell the Immigration officer at the border?

Mel P

Full Member
Feb 27, 2013
My girlfriend of 3 years and I are contemplating living together in Canada for a year so that we can apply for common law sponsorship after.

I am from a visa exempt country so I can visit canada with no problems for up to 6 months at a time. My question is when I come to the border and the officer askes, "How long are you staying?". Do I state 6 months? Will he ask for proof of support (I have enough money in my bank account) ? Would I need to bring the bank statement

Or will he simply say..."Yea no problem move along"


VIP Member
May 4, 2012
Visa Office......
App. Filed.......
Depends on the border officer. Some will wave you along, some will give you the third degree.

Say you are coming to visit your girlfriend for 6 months. Do not in any way imply that you are moving to Canada. Definitely bring the bank statement, as they might ask you to show proof of funds to support your stay. It is usually a good idea to also have a separate fully refundable return ticket to show as well.

They never even asked to see anything for my bf. The officer asked how much money we had, didn't ask for proof of it, and that was it. I cancelled his return ticket the next and got the full refund :)