some people are saying that BCA students cant get admission in wireless telecommunication....and some are saying that it matches your previous plzzz tell me wireless telecommunications is also for BCA students or not?????
actually dear i applied last year for sep intake ...for wireless info networking...and i got refusal ...reason was language ability cauz i applied with 6.0 bands for pgd...this time i got 7.0 ....if i change my course then they would have objection that why you change ur course ..becauz they did not mention any objection related to my refusal letter...this is the story bro plzzz help me i dont want to waste my year one more time..
i want to tell u one thing dude i don't know abt ur coursebr chose course related to studies plzz consulate wid different people that which course is suitable fr u don't make hurry to apply for visa take ur time den den apply