aarnett said:
I am very new at this so any advice is helpful. I currenly live in the Bahams.BA in Business from a US University. I have work experience in Banking, Hotels. I dont know if i qualify to app;y to any of the provinces , and i dont have any job offer as yet. My cousins live in Toronto but I dont think that they can sponser me to live in Canada i cecked all the criteria. Can anyone offer assistance of where i can start?
Hi. You are correct that cousins cannot sponsor you under Family Sponsorship class. It's pretty much restricted to direct siblings (parents and children can sponsor but it's somewhat limited).
I think your best bet is to look at the new FSWP class opening in on May 4th 2013. The good news for you is that it seems they will not require experience in any specific NOC class, just at least 1 year's experience in any type 0, A or B NOC.
You'll need a language proficiency certificate (IELTS is the most common) and a range of supporting documentation such as work references and University certificates.
Do you have a wife or family or will it just be you applying?
You'll need proof of funding (can't remember the exact amount but it's usually around $11,000 CAD for a single applicant, more if there are other members of the family to be added).
Anyway with this route you can get the visa up front and no job offer is required.
You can see the news release here regarding this: