What is the date of graduation?
Is it when you got your final degree certificate ? ( e.g 08/11/12 That date mentioned on my certificate is very late coz that year my uni issued certificate late)
is it date when final examination was held? ( april2012This date is also mentioned on my final degree certificate, however due to clearing backlog i had to re visit my college a couple of more times)
is this is my last day in college ( This isn't documented anywhere but I usually write my date of graduation as June 2012)
I'm a PTU, Jalandhar student.
What is the date of graduation?
Is it when you got your final degree certificate ? ( e.g 08/11/12 That date mentioned on my certificate is very late coz that year my uni issued certificate late)
is it date when final examination was held? ( april2012This date is also mentioned on my final degree certificate, however due to clearing backlog i had to re visit my college a couple of more times)
is this is my last day in college ( This isn't documented anywhere but I usually write my date of graduation as June 2012)
I'm a PTU, Jalandhar student.