say on first attempt I failed in 3 subjects
Then in most colleges there is a re-exam right after the results of this main exam.
then I failed in 1 out of those 3 re-exams
It means I have 1 atkt
Which I cleared in the next semester when the ATKT attempt was given.
so how many backlogs does this mean?
1 = 1atkt
3+1+1= 5 backlogs?
(when in reality I got only 1 atkt)
If you say 5, does that mean I need to show all 3 mark sheets to the visa or colleges?
Meaning , 3 mark sheets for just this “1 SEMESTER” ?!
Please help ,I’m really very afraid.
So does backlog mean no. of ATKT or the total number here?
say on first attempt I failed in 3 subjects
Then in most colleges there is a re-exam right after the results of this main exam.
then I failed in 1 out of those 3 re-exams
It means I have 1 atkt
Which I cleared in the next semester when the ATKT attempt was given.
so how many backlogs does this mean?
1 = 1atkt
3+1+1= 5 backlogs?
(when in reality I got only 1 atkt)
If you say 5, does that mean I need to show all 3 mark sheets to the visa or colleges?
Meaning , 3 mark sheets for just this “1 SEMESTER” ?!
Please help ,I’m really very afraid.
So does backlog mean no. of ATKT or the total number here?