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what happens if submit additional documents - My experience


Star Member
Jul 31, 2014
Hi All,
I submitted additional documents along with my citizenship applications with sticky notes etc. at the interview I saw all of the documents I sent in officers folder. (tax papers, work letters, all passport pages, cbsa records etc)
I was thinking that CIC - NS will strip the documents they don't need and send the ones to local CIC
I was wrong. I hope this gives answers to others - who are wondering what will happen.



Star Member
Aug 6, 2009
Job Offer........
cic8888 said:
I was thinking that CIC - NS will strip the documents they don't need and send the ones to local CIC

Why did you think this would happen? I mean this is an "official" application to the citizenship...

They are required (by law) to keep all what you have sent (for a period of time, can't remember how long)...

Notice that ANY government application (citizenship or anything else), could land at a Court... where the government will use and/all documents you submitted to support their case (again not talking specifically about citizenship applications).

On the other hand... I would be interested to know if you think that adding more documents
had bad effect on your application??

I mean do you feel your processing time was longer because of the extra dox?

or may be the officer asked more info at the interview (based on extra dox)?

Thanks & good luck :)


Star Member
Jul 31, 2014
Hi Mary,
One of my friends application was returned and he added extra documents as I did, but in turn he received the application and few mandatory documents from checklist. And another similar case I saw in immigration forum.

and I don't think adding extra documents would delay or bad effect - I see in lot of threads people wondering what would happen if they add extra documents etc.
so I thought it would help to write what I see in person.
