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what exactly happens to the application after the test!


Star Member
May 5, 2014

Could some one please tell me what is exactly happening to the application after the test? I mean when you do the test and interview with the officer is that normal if the officer said: " the judge will make his decision in 2 week? also said everything's fine. why the judge still has to make decision after test?

here is my timeline:
application start on Oct 2013
test April 10th, 2014 Montreal
no RQ
Had only 10 day vacation trips.

waiting for oath.



Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
Job Offer........
The Citizenship Judge is the one that actually approves or disapproves the application - this is as per the current Citizenship Act. CIC will either recommend the action they expect the CJ to take or they sometimes (rarely) leave the CJ to decide. CJ can agree with CIC or disagree with CIC. Whomever is unhappy with the CJ's decision can appeal to the Federal Court. The FC will decide if an appeal has merit to be listed - this prevents either the citizenship applicant or CIC wasting the courts time. The FC decision of whether to list the appeal or to accept, reject or return the application to another CJ is final.


Star Member
May 5, 2014
Msafiri said:
The Citizenship Judge is the one that actually approves or disapproves the application - this is as per the current Citizenship Act. CIC will either recommend the action they expect the CJ to take or they sometimes (rarely) leave the CJ to decide. CJ can agree with CIC or disagree with CIC. Whomever is unhappy with the CJ's decision can appeal to the Federal Court. The FC will decide if an appeal has merit to be listed - this prevents either the citizenship applicant or CIC wasting the courts time. The FC decision of whether to list the appeal or to accept, reject or return the application to another CJ is final.

Thanks Msafiri,