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What do you do with your car if you're moving to Canada?


Full Member
Jan 22, 2010
Hi everyone!

Has anyone who has gone through the PR thing and moved to Canada got any advice as far as bringing your car from the US is concerned?

Do you have to go through the whole "import/export" thing?

Do you have to do everything before you cross the border or do you have a certain amount of leeway?

Appreciate any advice!


Star Member
Oct 23, 2009
Montreal Canada
Job Offer........
If you have a new car and would like to import it to canada...here is the process


If you have a car that is old and you do not have an emotional attachment...i recommend you sell it in USA and buy a used car in canada.

If you import a car from USA you do not have to pay import duty...as you will be entering the country on a PR...but you are not allowed to sell the car for 1 yr from the date of entry to Canada...

Either ways, get letters from all your previous insurance companies regarding your driving history ie, claims/records etc..

and the most imp thing ...get a copy of your driving abstract...you will be considered a brand new driver with sky high insurance unless you are alble to provide the insurance companies in canada with ur driving abstract and history.

Will be glad to provide you with details if you have any other questions.