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What are the chances for study permit for january 2015 session?


Sep 4, 2014
hi.....my cousin brother applied for visa two times and got rejected....his profile is:

>> He completed three years B.A. from Punjab University at the end of 2011 (marks obtained: overall average is about 55% or so with no fails in any subject)
>> He did a one year level 5 hospitality diploma from a private institution in Auckland from 2012-2013 (marks obtained: Grade C). Throughout his studies in New Zealand he worked in two different luxury hotels as the Food and Beverage Attendant
>> In the middle of 2013 he came back to India from NZ and been off since then (in between, he only did a small computer course from a private institution)
>> In the beginning of 2014 he did IELTS and got admission in PG Hospitality Management course at Selkirk College. Her IELTS score is 6 with no bands less than 5.5. One condition of the Selkirk college is that he will have to take English reading and writing score because his bands are not 6.5 or above.

1st attempt: In the beginning of July this year he applied through an agent under the SPP program (the agent did not attach her Unconditional letter of acceptance, made a very poor SOP saying that he would work in Canada after studies, made some mistakes in the application itself, did not mention his employment in NZ). His application was rejected in the end of July for the reason ("Your proposed studies are not reasonable in light of one or more of: your qualifications, previous studies, employment, level of establishment, language abilities or your future prospects or plans")

2nd attempt: In the start of August, we applied again (this time under General category) through some other agent. This time we included the bank/property documents, reference from his uncle in India (joint family) who is actually sponsoring his education, reference letters from employers in NZ, strong SOP, and unconditional letter from the college. Just a day ago, we got a reply that even this second application of study permit has been rejected (for the same reason as the 1st attempt).

Now, we want to give a last try for January 2015 session for the same program at Selkirk. The college is ready to give us letter of support as well. I have applied for CAIPS for both of these rejections and will get the file details in few weeks. He can try to do IELTS one more time, but we want to apply in October and upcoming test dates are little later. It is not possible to fill his gap or low marks during studies..... :(

My questions are:
>> Do you think he should try for some other program (probably embassy is not happy with the low IELTS score or marks)?
>> Should we mention that he will have to take English upgrade course when he start the college?
>> Is it better to apply for a 1 or 2 year diploma in Hospitality rather than a PG?

Please let me know what you think about this case.
