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What are my Options?


Feb 9, 2010
Hello everyone,

I am thinking of moving to Canada...like everybody else on here :), to Ontario in particular.

I am 28, live in the UK, I have a bachelor's degree in Psychology from a uk University and I also have an Uncle who is married and has three adult children, they are all Canadian citizens and live in Ontario. From what I understand my Uncle cannot sponsor me as he has family in Canada already.

Do I have any options?

Also, are employers intrested in applications or resemes (CV) from foreigners? In the sense that they have to do extra paper work for us, is this a common way into Canada? Is it straight forward? For employers and foreigners?

Sorry for asking so many questions!

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer my post. ;D


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
You can look at your immigration options at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/index.asp If you manage to get a job offer and apply under the skilled worker program, you would get extra points for your uncle.

It's hard to get a job offer from outside Canada unless you have some extra special skills. If you go to Canada and do some interviews, it would be a bit easier but the employer does have to go through some extra paperwork and even if he wants to hire you, if he fails to prove to immigration that he's advertised the job and couldn't get anybody else who was qualified, he will be refused.

One way in for you would be to go on a working holiday visa, see http://www.bunac.org/uk/workcanada/ It would allow you an open work permit for a year. You can use that time to find an employer who wants to keep you. When your year is up, your employer can try to get you changed to a regular work permit and if that doesn't work out, at least he could give you a job offer which could allow you to apply for your immigration.