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WES Process - India Bachelor of Engineering ( Need clarity ) Gap in Studies


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Feb 18, 2015
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Doc's Request.
Dear All,

My Wife as Primary applicant & myself have applied for EE. I wanted to add point against WES ECA to her profile for Bachelor & master degree.

I have completed Bachelor in Engineer from Mumbai University which took time with couple of years gap in studies due to personal reasons.

Ref below summary

Completed X 1996
Completed XII 1998

Engineering First Year

1998 - 1999

Two years drop 1999 - 2000 & 2000-2001

Engineering Second Year

2001 -2002

Engineering Third Year

2002 - 2003

Engineering Fourth Year

2003 - 2004

I have completed my college academic as on May 2004, but in Mumbai University we were allowed to carry forward N no of terms, hence semester wise results were cleared later, ref below :

Sem I MAY 2004
Sem II NOV 2003
Sem III NOV 2005
Sem IV MAY 2005
Sem V NOV 2005
Sem VI MAY 2005
Sem VII MAY 2005
Sem VIII MAY 2005

For WES ECA assessment i have attested all required documents from College and University, but i think there will be confusion for WES for calculating no of years of education since First year passing is not as per my academic years & no where in first year mark sheet mentioned my commencement year as 1998.

Pls advice.
In WES registration i have mention Bachelor of Engineering 1998-2005 will this suffices ? Degree awarded as per my Degree certificate is May 2005. Also there is no option to select no of years in education.
