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visual arts residency visa?


Oct 23, 2009
A talented sculptor made it to our remote community in BC. I work at a museum, where a 40 grey whale skeleton was recently donated. This sculptor/carver is German. He is willing to take on the huge project of articulating this skeleton, outside, as a display, as he has fallen in love with our community and would like to have a meaningful project to come to. He departs for his homeland soon, but will return in the spring.

What is the process that we (at the museum) can undertake to support his next entry into Canada as being a sort of work permit (I suppose) in the arts? More like an artist residency, really. This project, all told will take a large amount of time, including research and site preparations. We would like to involve the community, the youth, and the schools in working in this project as well. Finally, his training as a sculptor could be taken advantage of by means of a workshop series or something. I think all told, this project would take the better part of two years (spring-summer-fall-winter-to the next fall). We would likely fund raise, and would prefer to remunerate his efforts...although, he is more than willing to complete the articulation project without pay, should he be permitted by law to sell his sculptures and other works of art.

Any help, links to check out would be much appreciated. It seems impossible to find out information about artist in residency visa´s, limitations (length of stay, money) and such on any website. (often information defaults to performing artists, and I know that there is an exemption for employment authorization, but there is no information on how long he could be employed, and what should we prepare for his landing into Canada again?

Thanks, curator