If you were on visitors visa and had already applied for PR through skilled worker, you would probably have to apply to extend your visit visa to stay while your PR gets processed, depending on when you applied. If you want to work, you would have to apply for a temporary work permit which can be a process of a few months, first find a job, then get a labour market opinion, hope it's not denied, then apply for work permit. You may not be eligible to apply for a work permit from within Canada or at the border in which case you might have to leave while it's being issued. You might also be able to on a visit visa, get a job offer and apply for PR through a PNP program. This can also take 6 months to a year to process so you would probably have extend your tourist visa while you wait.
So to make it short, you can but it might not be very practical unless you want to stay in Canada for a long time without working.