Hello, I’m visitor and applied for employer work permit LMIA, I don’t my medical and I had abnormal x-ray, I had to do sputum text and repeat x-ray after 2 month. Result cone out and it’s clear And panel clinic told they forwarded report to IRCC..My questions.
1- How it take for IRCC medical term update my medical status on my application.
2- How long it takes to get a decision from IRCC after medical clear.
3- is must to show home ties for my work permit (family) ?, application only asked about wife..no place to put my kids. Provided all my fami details available in my visitor application..
appercaite if some one tell his experience or advise.
thanks guys
1- How it take for IRCC medical term update my medical status on my application.
2- How long it takes to get a decision from IRCC after medical clear.
3- is must to show home ties for my work permit (family) ?, application only asked about wife..no place to put my kids. Provided all my fami details available in my visitor application..
appercaite if some one tell his experience or advise.
thanks guys