dbentley1313 said:
I know that I will be applying for Permanent Resident Status in the Family Class from my husband who will sponsor me. My question I guess is that I've been here since the end of May and I know I am only allowed to stay in Canada for 6 months since I am a U.S. citizen. I don't want to have to cross the border and come back over just to "reset" my 6 months, is there any way to just stay here past that 6 month period since I will already have my application in before the 6 months is up?
I want to be sure to do everything legally...I'm afraid if I cross the border and try to come back I might not be permitted back even if they know I have my application in the works. It's my HUSBAND for goodness sakes, but until they can determine that he can actually sponsor me (we have no doubts or financial issues) I'm not sure I wanna leave for fear they wouldn't let me back in. I'd have no where to go...
Thanks for the info above. I couldn't find any answers to this question in that questionnaire though....
you can extend your stay in canada only before your status as visitor expires (important the application to extend your stay should be made before your visit status expires). if your visit visa expires your status will become illegal and you will be needing a restoration of status to proceed with your inland sponsorship application.
to avoid any complications just apply for an extension of visit. during the process of your visa extension application if your visa expires you will be in implied status till you get a decision from cic. (implied status is a legal status)
option 1. crossing the border and coming back requesting another 6 month entry can be risky. it may cost you more and chances of getting re-entry is not guaranteed. And in case of refusal very little options will be left.
Option 2. apply online or sending paper application for visa extension will just cost you 100 dollars and chances of getting extension is extremely high. ( 99% of the applications gets approved as it is a legal way). even if you get negative decision still you will have plenty of time to consider other options without getting into complications of being with a illegal status.
if you want to appy online to extend your stay in canada, these are the steps:-
YOU CAN START FROM HERE: cic.gc.ca/english/visit/extend/visa.asp
First determine your eligibility to apply online (cic.gc.ca/ctc-vac/getting-started.asp)
step 1: Fill out the complete questionnaire
Step 2: on the completion of step 1 you will get a CODE, Write it down on a paper
step 3: create a Mycic account using the above CODE ( following the instructions while creating account)
step 4: Based on your questionnaire you answered in step 1, your Mycic account will automatically be consisting the application forms which you have to submit ( download them)
step 5: upload all the forms,your photo and documents and pay your fee in your Mycic account
Step 6: once everything completed Submit your application for processing.
-uploading supporting documents: scan them all, paste them in a word document file and upload them.
-After submitting wait for the outcome, they will notify about any updates in your Mycic account by sending you an email.
-Applying online will save your time as paper applications have longer processing times.
Hope it helps.