Hi every body
Please answer my question I am Pakistani citizen and currently living in UK.
My question is how to fill the IMM 5562 (London visa office) form; I live in UK since 2005 and since 2005 I have visited my home country Pakistan about 5 times my concern is do I need to mention these trips in IMM5562 form because Pakistan is my home country and UK is my country of residence; in the form they says write the details of trips you made out side your home country or country of residence.
Kindly solve my problem I have to dispatch my documents today every thing Is ready but I am confused about this form as there
are no clear guide lines how to fill it secondly I came in to UK
first time on 25-01-2005 and UK become my country of
residence since the day I came here ;in case if You guys suggest I do not need to mention my trips between home country and country of residence ; do I still need to mention this travel as I t was first time I was traveling out side the my home country. Thanks
Please answer my question I am Pakistani citizen and currently living in UK.
My question is how to fill the IMM 5562 (London visa office) form; I live in UK since 2005 and since 2005 I have visited my home country Pakistan about 5 times my concern is do I need to mention these trips in IMM5562 form because Pakistan is my home country and UK is my country of residence; in the form they says write the details of trips you made out side your home country or country of residence.
Kindly solve my problem I have to dispatch my documents today every thing Is ready but I am confused about this form as there
are no clear guide lines how to fill it secondly I came in to UK
first time on 25-01-2005 and UK become my country of
residence since the day I came here ;in case if You guys suggest I do not need to mention my trips between home country and country of residence ; do I still need to mention this travel as I t was first time I was traveling out side the my home country. Thanks