I am primary applicant for cic.I am on spouse visa and I showed 3yrs work experience.Is there any problm? cic has given me a message that i am not eligibl to enter pool.
I am primary applicant for cic.I am on spouse visa and I showed 3yrs work experience.Is there any problm? cic has given me a message that i am not eligibl to enter pool.
Big subject, unclear short question = you wont get much help. Kindly elaborate
Spouse visa where? Somewhere you are allowed to work or are you breaking the rules? Did you calculate your points to see if you are eligible under any stream like FSW, CEC etc? If yes then which stream? When asked how much money are you bringing to canada, did you look on cic website to see how much you need for the number of people in your family and entered the right amount under that question? Because if not, then it will say you are ineligible for sure.