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URGENT HELP Kindly Reply...PLEASE...Re: Delivering baby in Canada


Jun 8, 2010
im currently working here in Dubai, UAE. I am separated, but not legally, w/ 2 kids studying in the Philippines. I have a live-in partner here, married as well but his family is in the Philippines. I am a month pregnant now w/ my partner and we're planning to go to Canada to give birth, is it possible? My partner and i also want to work there also, it is actually our first priority and plan it's just that the pregnancy came first. and what will be the procedure and how long will it complete the process. He also has relatives already residents in Canada, will that help also. I hope somebody could help us, we really want to get there before my due.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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If you can get a visit visa to go to Canada, you can certainly have your baby during your visit. It will however cost you a lot of money, could be $10,000 or so. Your baby will be a Canadian citizen but as a parent of a Canadian child, you will not have any rights in Canada. Once your visit visa expires, you must return to your home country.

A better way if you want to work in Canada would be to apply for jobs in Canada or apply for your immigration directly. This could be a long term process and you may not get to Canada before you have the baby but your baby could immigrate with you and get his or her citizenship at the same time you get yours.


Jun 8, 2010
thanks very much for your reply :)..one more question, if i'll be applying for a working visa, or let say if i have a relative in Canada who could help me find an employer mid of my pregnancy, is it still possible for me to get there then work even if im pregnant? the main reason why it's really my concern to be there before my due is that, our situation is very complicated, here in UAE our relationship is and in the Philippines also would be same thing, if i'll just go home and deliver my baby there, there's no one whom i can leave the baby coz i needed to go back here in
Dubai and work again for my baby and for my children from my ex-husband, which i'm the only one supporting them, my parent would no longer accept me. My partner as well has his own family. We really want to start a family of our own even on a complicated set-up together with my 2 kids from my ex-husband and my baby im carrying now. we knew that Canada would be the best place for us and that we can live freely and raise our children in a much better way. i hope someone could help us. i'd be willing to take all the expenses. just please help me and my partner get there in time. it's really awekward but i'll be really thankful if someone could offer us a job to help us get there and i assure anyone that they'll not regret on helping us. please please please


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Have you and your live-in partner been living together for 12 months or more? If yes, then you would classify as a common law couple and can apply to go to Canada together. If not, then you each have to qualify for your own work permit. If you have full custody of the children you have with your ex, you can take them along with you.

To get a work permit, you first need a job offer. The employer needs to apply for a so called labour market opinion to prove that he has advertised the job and not found anybody. If you get a labour market opinion and apply for a work permit while pregnant, I am not sure if it will be approved. They will assume you will want to go on maternity leave when your baby is born.

The other way to get to Canada it to apply for your immigration directly under the skilled worker program but you would have to have enough points and either a job offer or be in a certain occupation. Even if you apply right away which I doubt because there is a lot of paperwork involved, you could not expect to see anything happen until 6 months from now and by then, you are probably too pregnant to fly already.


Jun 8, 2010
how does common law couple works? what would be the procedure for that and how long and how much will it takes? and leon, thanks so much for your advices, leon if by any chance as well you could help us with work permits? we're very much willing to pay the expenses. coz u know even i have some friends who live in us or there in canada, filipinos have this "crab mentality" that if they're already out there they're think that somebody maybe richer or better than them if they will let their friends or relatives come there.

i can send you our cv if you can tell us where to send. please help us. i still also would want to work even if im pregnant and after giving birth. my children's future is very important to me.


Hero Member
Feb 18, 2010
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How is this going to work? By your own admission you have a complicated case, that will require lots of time, money and patience.

You both are married to someone else? You have children by by someone else and you are not even legally separated? You can not bring your children without consent of the other parent.
Neither of you have legal rights in Canada?
You are pregnant and want to have your child in Canada for a better life? As Leon has said having your child in Canada will be very costly but gives you no legal rights.
You have no job here in Canada? To get one requires an employer to file for LMO and has to prove they can not find a Canadian to do the work.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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The only thing being a common law couple will give you is the ability to apply together as a couple. If you or your partner qualifies to apply for PR as a skilled worker for example, you can apply as a family instead of both having to qualify separately.

Same if your partner manages to get a work permit for a skilled job in Canada, you can apply to go with him as his common law partner.

For the kids though, it needs to be clear that you have full custody of the kids or if not, that their father signs a statement allowing them to go with you.


Jun 8, 2010
tnx sogwap, tnx leon ;)

your advices is very much appreciated. and now i understand it clearly. with regards to the custody of my kids it'll be no problem as well as for the signature of their father, where still in touch and very much aware of our situation,that issue can already be right after my pregnancy or as soon as we get there however, bringing my 2kids w/ us is not actually in a rush, my main concern is just me & my partner to go there while i can still manage to work and to deliver coz my parents will no longer accept me due to my pregnancy, coz i have a very conservative parents.

so as i understand i need to prioritize looking for an employer who can have an LMO approval that could issue us a work permit. i hope you could also help me look for this also if you don't mind? im really sorry bothering you. im just really desperate to come there in time. i'll thank you for the rest of my life if you could help us. i assure you you'll not regret helping us, we're both hard-working

and with regards on applying as common-law couple, what are the requirements for that? thank you sooo much again. if by any chance i could speak with you? or here's my contact number +97150.523.1198


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
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I can not help you find an employer in Canada any more than I can help all the other people trying to do the same thing. You can try looking for employment agencies on google or you can look for some job websites. Look for jobs that match your skills. Since you will be pregnant, it would be better if it is your partner that gets a job.

The criteria to apply together as a common law couple is to sign a statement saying you are both separated from your spouses and have been living together for 12 months or more. I can not help you any further than that but if you have some specific questions later on, you can post them here and somebody will reply to you.

Nobody here is paid to answer people or help people. We are all regular people with our own lifes and worries and limited time to answer peoples questions and limited funds to phone people internationally in Dubai and things like that. However, if you want to hire a paid lawyer or immigration consultant to help you out, you can google one but also make sure to google some references on them to make sure they are good before you pay.


Star Member
Jun 25, 2010
Visa Office......
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
APPROVED: 13-09-2010 / RECEIVED: 29-09-2010
25-10-10 in toronto
Hello idine,

I have a friend who gave birth in canada last 2004 with the old rules regarding the citizenship and she's in visitor's visa, that the baby will be a canadian citizen. but now with a new rules in visitor's visa. the baby will not be a canadian citizen. Please double check the canadian embassy website. Its better that will you be the one to read it. Thats all i can help.



Star Member
Jun 25, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
APPROVED: 13-09-2010 / RECEIVED: 29-09-2010
25-10-10 in toronto
Who is a Canadian citizen?

* In general, you are a Canadian citizen if you were born in Canada. You are not a Canadian citizen if you were born in Canada and at the time of your birth, your parents were neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents, and at least one parent had diplomatic status in Canada.
* In general, you are a Canadian citizen if you became a citizen through the naturalization process in Canada (i.e., you were a permanent resident [a landed immigrant] before you became a citizen).
* In general, you are a Canadian citizen if you were born outside Canada and one of your parents was a Canadian citizen at the time of your birth because the parent was either born in Canada or naturalized in Canada (i.e., the parent was a permanent resident [a landed immigrant] before becoming a citizen). You are the first generation born outside Canada. For more information, please see the “First generation limit to citizenship by descent” section.
* You may be a Canadian citizen if you were born outside Canada between January 1, 1947, and April 16, 2009 inclusively, to a Canadian parent who was also born outside Canada to a Canadian parent (you are the second or subsequent generation born outside Canada). If you think this may apply to you and you need more information, please contact us (see the “Contact Information” section at the end of this publication).


Hero Member
Oct 18, 2009
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pamazana said:
I have a friend who gave birth in canada last 2004 with the old rules regarding the citizenship and she's in visitor's visa, that the baby will be a canadian citizen. but now with a new rules in visitor's visa. the baby will not be a canadian citizen. Please double check the canadian embassy website. Its better that will you be the one to read it. Thats all i can help.
Even if one or both parents is in Canada on a visitor's visa (or visitor record), everyone born in Canada is a Canadian citizen from birth unless one or both of the parents is a diplomat.