if you are frustrated and not knowing what to do. Maybe try sending them an Urgent Fax!
See my story in another post:
I just wan to share a major update on my parent's visa status. I did plan to go down next Monday, a week from our scheduled traveling time. But after reading some people's post about sending an urgent fax. I tried that yesterday. I typed up a nice email explaining our situation and gave them my parent's name and DOB. On the very top of the letter, I used extra extra large (#100, i think) and bold font for the word "URGENT!". And I also emailed the same letter to them.
I don't know if it is the fax got their attention or what. Today I called in to check my person money order status, and it has been paid as of yesterday!!!
I am so thrilled! I don't know if they will mail out the passport immediately, but I think we should get our visa in time. There are still over 10 days to go from the time we travel, on the 20th.
So if you haven't tried the urgent fax way, do try it. It may just work for you too!
Also not sure if everyone is aware that you can check the status of your money order by phone. I used Wells Fargo, but I assume every bank should have that service. There should be a phone number listed on your purchaser copy and some kind of account and serial number which let you refer to when you call.
Good luck to everyone!
See my story in another post:
I just wan to share a major update on my parent's visa status. I did plan to go down next Monday, a week from our scheduled traveling time. But after reading some people's post about sending an urgent fax. I tried that yesterday. I typed up a nice email explaining our situation and gave them my parent's name and DOB. On the very top of the letter, I used extra extra large (#100, i think) and bold font for the word "URGENT!". And I also emailed the same letter to them.
I don't know if it is the fax got their attention or what. Today I called in to check my person money order status, and it has been paid as of yesterday!!!
I am so thrilled! I don't know if they will mail out the passport immediately, but I think we should get our visa in time. There are still over 10 days to go from the time we travel, on the 20th.
So if you haven't tried the urgent fax way, do try it. It may just work for you too!
Also not sure if everyone is aware that you can check the status of your money order by phone. I used Wells Fargo, but I assume every bank should have that service. There should be a phone number listed on your purchaser copy and some kind of account and serial number which let you refer to when you call.
Good luck to everyone!