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Urgent: embassy asking for FBI request

Feb 9, 2017
I'm from philippines and I receive an email, stating that i will need to submit my FBI clearance because i had an internship in states for 1year. checked in the site for fbi clearance it showed that it will take 12-14 weeks to process. I really dont know how to get it processed and be sent to embassy with in 30 days. I have co interns and friends who had the same program with me in USA and applied to study in Canada. And they are not being asked for fbi certificate/clearance in fact they got there visas already and are in there
I just dont know what to do and i feel helpless and hopeless with this situation.

samia Hasan

Jan 27, 2017

Do not worry. as per i know now a days FBI clearence is pretty normal situation for most of the countries. if you are innocent, everything will be alright. so just be patient.
