I used the contact form on the website I looked at AINP information for some questions I've had.
Amomg other things they told me:
If I understand this correctly if I create my EE profile and tick the box that I'm interested in Alberta, I won't be considered for the express entry stream pnp?
Is there an additional way to join that stream?
Thank you
I used the contact form on the website I looked at AINP information for some questions I've had.
Amomg other things they told me:
Is this a known fact? I haven't seen this written anywhere on the official website...Only individuals living and working in Alberta will be considered for a nomination at this time.
A person cannot apply to the Alberta Express Entry Stream and expressions of interest are not being considered as part of the selection process.
If I understand this correctly if I create my EE profile and tick the box that I'm interested in Alberta, I won't be considered for the express entry stream pnp?
Is there an additional way to join that stream?
Thank you