Good Day!
I have qualified on 2 different NOC categories. One is Computer Engineering and Healthcare for the other one.
I have 5 years education on Computer Engineering and 2 years for heathcare.
I have 1 year and 3 months work experience for Computer Engineering and 4 years experience for Health care.
My question is how are day going to calculate my education and work experience score? Is it two different calcuation and pick up the highest or calculate both then add up?
Please help me understand this. Thank you.
I have qualified on 2 different NOC categories. One is Computer Engineering and Healthcare for the other one.
I have 5 years education on Computer Engineering and 2 years for heathcare.
I have 1 year and 3 months work experience for Computer Engineering and 4 years experience for Health care.
My question is how are day going to calculate my education and work experience score? Is it two different calcuation and pick up the highest or calculate both then add up?
Please help me understand this. Thank you.