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TRV for me and my son, please help!


Jan 14, 2014
Please help, I know it extensively, but I sincerely ask you to read and help me!

I would like to apply for me and my son, which is two years old, for a Temporary Resident Visa. We plan to stay a month.
In Canada I have my mother who is Canadian citizen since December last year, she's working there and she is in Canada since 2005.

This is not the first time to apply.
I'll try to explain from the beginning how it was.

In January 2003 my mother's husband has applied for the two of us for an immigrant visa. After we done the medical examination the same year, I was asked to repeat it. *Since I was a child of divorced parents, and than I was a minor, I needed the signature of my father to travel. He's never wanted to do that to me, did not want to hear of such a thing. And from fear to do something to stop the papers, I decides not to repeat the exam. So, there was no purpose to mention more to my father.
Finally in 2005 year the Embassy has sent a letter to me and ask me to declare why not repeat the medical examination.
My mother's husband, the sponsor of application, who had access to all papers, said it's best to wrote that I do not want to repeat exam. And that I will be able easily come to Canada, when I'm an adult. He did so and my mother got in 2005 immigrant visa for Canada, and I was refused.

I must say that neither my mom or I did not know english enough to understand the consequences.
However, the mother soon had problems with her husband and thay got divorced.
He told her than, among other things, that I will never be able to come to Canada as a family member, without him. My mother and I didn't know what that means.

I had to write this because I wish to know, and no one wants to tell us, whether this is actually the reason of my all applications rejection or is it just the other things ( business, properity, enough money for trevel...).

2006 year I applied for TRV and was refused. The reason is, I was only a student and nothing else didn't have. As an example, husband or child.

2008 year my mother made an application for immigrant visa as a dependant child. I did an medical examination, and in 2009 finally get an answer, her application was also refused.
The reasons: It is alleged that I was looking for an immigrant visa 2003 and that was required of me to repeat the medical examination. Many times I was informed of the consequences if does not repeat it. And than they got a letter from the sponsor 2005, stating that I understand everything and do not want to revisit. And therefore I did not qualify as a Family member and cannot be sponsored by mother.
My mother wrote everything what her husband told to write. And if I'm not in the family class that is because he told her not to put me in. It is essential that she go first.

Then I make a decision that I will not complain, because at that time I met my husband and I did not even think to go there to live.

In July 2013, I apply for TRV for me and my son, to go as a tourist for a month in Canada. Again rejection.
This time I was convinced that we will get TRV, because my husband did not apply. I thought that he was the main guarantee that we will be back. We did approval by the notary for son, consent to be without a father only a month.
My husband was employed, I was not, I needed to start working in September, when my son filled two years. Also sent Invitation letter of my mother.Her data on workplace...

But this time reasons was:
You have not satisfied me that you would leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident. In reaching this deciosion, I considered several factors, including:
Your travel history,
Your family ties in Canada and in your country of residence,
Limited employment porspects in your country of residence,
Your current employment situation,
Your personal assets and financial status.
I am not satisfied that you have sufficients funds, including income or assets, to carry out your stated purpose in going to Canada or to maintain yourself while in Canada and to effect your departure.
Other reasons: You were to travel to Canada as a dependent of your mother. Her applications has been refused.

Now, can you just tell me what is the problem?

Does my previous application, in fact the first, is that the real problem for rejection?!
Or is it really necessary to be employed and to have enough money for the trip...?

What's in my case a key problem, so I can get a tourist visa?

Believe me, I'd like to go even at 15 days.

Add that the husband has now his own bussiness and that the mother received Canadian citizenship.

Thanks in advance!