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TRV application from outside Canada after applying for PGWP in Canada


Jul 1, 2024

I have recently received my PGWP after applying for it after a four year course in Canada. I applied for it within Canada and then left for my home country to visit family due to a death. I now need to renew my TRV for the duration of the work permit, but I am confused about the procedure of doing it from outside Canada.

1. What country address do I need to fill out in the IMM5257 form when filling in "residential" and "mailing address"?
2. How do I get the correct option for applying for TRV when applying outside Canada? When I enter Canada as country of residence, I get TRV, but when I enter India (as I am technically in India right now), I only get option for PGWP. There is a way to get an option for Foreign visitor visa if you enter that you have an LMIA (Which I do not) and then by fixing it by saying open work permit in a later question, but this seems sketchy.
3. What to fill in when answer "Country where applying" question in IMM5257?

Just need to know what the proper way to fill in this application is when you applied for PGWP within Canada but are applying for TRV extension from outside,