Not a glitch. IRCC has published an official statement.Is this true or a clitch ?
Recent draw says Lowest CRS point was 75
Maybe they will announce In few days that it was a glitch, anyways congrats to those people, if it's any reason why despite being in since July 2020 and threshold was Sept 2020 and with a score of 415 and meeting the CEC criteria I haven't received an invitation?!?!!? this cant be true
Because it takes up to 24 hrs under normal draw loads to get the invitation. Expect it to take up to 48 hrs or longer with a draw of any reason why despite being in since July 2020 and threshold was Sept 2020 and with a score of 415 and meeting the CEC criteria I haven't received an invitation?!?!!? this cant be true
Ok, so there is still hope here.Because it takes up to 24 hrs under normal draw loads to get the invitation. Expect it to take up to 48 hrs or longer with a draw of 27300.
Were you supposed to receive it? When?is any reason why despite being in since July 2020 and threshold was Sept 2020 and with a score of 415 and meeting the CEC criteria I haven't received an invitation?!?!!? this cant be true
It can take up to 24 hours to receive any reason why despite being in since July 2020 and threshold was Sept 2020 and with a score of 415 and meeting the CEC criteria I haven't received an invitation?!?!!? this cant be true
No - once again, IRCC has already made an official statement about this. It is real.Maybe they will announce In few days that it was a glitch, anyways congrats to those people, if it's true.