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TRP - Police records question


Oct 14, 2015
So about 5 years ago my friend and I went into our neighborhood pool after hours and ended up getting a misdemeanor. Now I am trying to move to Vancouver for work and going through the painful process of getting a TRP. Its only painful because ive lived all over the place and have to obtain police certificates from every state I have lived in sense I was 18 as part of my TRP package.

My question is....
First I have lived in 4 states... Arizona, California, Florida, and Illinois. Arizona does not do police records... they do provide a certified letter explaining their state policy though. Will this cause issues?
Also... while I was in the Navy I was stationed on an island in Italy, and lived on my ship for almost 2 years. I never had a passport or any kind of Italian ID card... would I need an Italian police record? I do have my honorable discharge papers from the Navy, but I would have no idea how to get an Italian police certificate if they never had any record of me.