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Listening Tips
These tips will help you improve your listening score.
1. Learn and understand the directions now. You will want to use your time during the test to study the questions, not the directions.
2. Study the different types of questions. Be prepared for what the question might ask you to do. Be prepared to complete a sentence, check1 a box, or choose a letter.
3. You should take notes in your question booklet as you listen. You can crcIe possible answers and change your mind later when you transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
4. If you don't know an answer, you can guess. However, there is a penalty for wrong answers. Make sure you think you are right. It you guess wrong, you will lose a point
5. Anytime you have a chance, study the next set of questions. Make assumptions about what you think you will hear.
6. When you make assumptions, ask yourself: Who? What? When? Where? and How?
7. The correct answer Is often repeated, but the words will not be written exactly as they are heard The test will use paraphrases and synonyms.
6. There Is a lot of information given In the dialogues and lectures that Is not tested. Try to listen only for answers to the questions.
9. Don't get stuck on a question. It you didn't hear the answer, go on.
10. The answers are given in order. For example. if you hear the answer to Question 10. but didn't hear the answer for Question 9, you missed Question 9. You will not hear the answer later. Guess the answer to Question 9 and move on.
11. Be sure to read the instructions you receive from the test center. Some supply pencils; some ask you to bring your own. If you are given an IELTS pencil at the start of the exam, you will probably not be allowed to bring you own pen or pencil Into the examining room. You could bring a number 2 pencil, a soft lead pencil, to make sure you have something to write with. You may have to leave it outside the test center, but it's better to have a pencil than not.
12. When you write a word in a blank, you must spell the word correctly. It doesn't matter if you use British or American spelling It must be spelled correctly. You will get a lower score if you did not spell correctly.
DOs and DON'Ts
Listen carefully to the introduction to each section. This will give you useful
information about the situation and the speakers.
Use the time at the beginning of each section (and in the middle of Sections 1
– 3) to look through the questions and think about the topic.
Read the instructions for each task carefully. Remember to check the
maximum number of words allowed.
Write all your answers as you listen – remember you won't hear the recording
a second time.
Check that what you write makes sense in the context.
Answer all the questions even if you don't feel sure about an answer – you may
have understood more than you think.
Wait until the end of the test to transfer your answers. You have ten minutes
for this which is plenty of time.
Write clearly when you transfer your answers. If an answer isn't clear on your
answer sheet, you will lose the mark.
Check your spelling (and grammar where necessary).
Don't worry if you have to cross out or change an answer.
Don't panic if you miss one question. Look ahead and concentrate on the next
Don't try to rephrase what you hear. Write down the words you hear which fit
the question.
Don't write more than the maximum number of words or letters allowed for
each answer.
Don't copy any words that were printed on the Question Paper when you
transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.
Source: Barrons IELTS