A team of postdoctoral scholars are conducting research to capture the experiences of people who have lived and worked in Australia or New Zealand under the authority of an employer sponsored work visa program. Please contact us if you are interested in participating. Participation is anonymous and confidential. Please let your voice and the voices and experiences of other migrants be heard.
Please support skilled migrants and share this research proposal on social media.
Please visit our page titled PROPOSALS at ht tp://ww w . migrationlaw. or g/research-proposal . h tml
Please share the research proposal acrobat document and the powerpoint slide show with your social contact networks.
Please support skilled migrants and share this research proposal on social media.
Please visit our page titled PROPOSALS at ht tp://ww w . migrationlaw. or g/research-proposal . h tml
Please share the research proposal acrobat document and the powerpoint slide show with your social contact networks.