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Temp Work Permit Extension - Question?


Star Member
Jan 28, 2015
Job Offer........
I'm one of the ones affected by the 2014 PR cap and 2015 EE LMIA-exempt TWP problem. As my current ICT (Intra-Company Transfer) Temporary Work Permit runs out in April, I'm piecing together a plan of how best to address my current situation and my priority in the short term is to get my current Work Permit extended so that I can then have more time to get an LMIA (which is a whole different set of problems) and/or my EE drawn for PR.

So I'm planning on applying for an ICT Temp Work Permit extension by mail at the last possible moment to drag out the process and allow me to keep working here a little longer. However, my Work Permit extension may get rejected as the Canadian company (subsidiary) I work for was sold by the UK parent company last year and is now owned as a Division of a new parent company here in Canada. However, having downloaded the Work Permit Extension paperwork to have a look through it, there are no questions in there about the ownership of the company I work for or if the ICT relationship still exists.

As far the Canadian business is concerned, apart from who owns the shares, everything else is exactly the same (we've kept the same trading name, my pay slips and T4 are still in the same name, etc). In fact, my answers to all of the questions will be exactly the same as when we arrived here in 2012. With that in mind, how would CIC know there was a change in the UK end of the ICT relationship (ie. we're not the same company anymore even though we still have the same name) if I'm not being asked to volunteer that information? Do they do some sort of check through their own procedures?

My original aim was just to buy an extra couple of months through Implied Status while they processed/rejected my application but now I'm wondering if I'll actually get approved which will solve a hell of a lot of problems?

Also, on a separate note, once you are selected for EE and are then able to apply for PR. At what stage are you able to apply for a Bridging Permit, should it be necessary?


Hero Member
Feb 1, 2015
Job Offer........
Can't really comment On the first part
If you get pulled out of EE, you have 60 days to submit your docs. Once they're submitted and you received an AOR you can apply for a bridging visa.