Actually I am graduate and wanted to take a diploma program.. What i feel like I need hand on experience instead of go for theories and all and Diplma is giving latest techniques and hand on experience full time lab program. and techniques going to taught are different then we study in graduation as i did graduation 11 years back..... I want to get a technical skills in the integrated media because i already have graduation degree and my intentuions to get something which can ehhance my experties in online media aswell.... and other thing is also I have low GPA in graduation and IELTS band 6... bands i can improve but about GPA.. so i decided for the diploma. Because Canada is one of the best country for Animation and integrated media (web and multimedia)..
There is one more question is if suppose i intend to live in canada after my course will i be eligible on post secondry diploma basis and work experience i will get after having dploma?