Hey guys
same as many people here I am trying to immigrate legally to Canada i found the study way can be tough but there is benefit of open work visa for one year if I studied one year program
my questions as follows :
1- if i complete study on my own funding and got open work visa for 1 year and got some Canadian experience while studying can i work in restaurants or coffee shops just for time being to ensure my visa or what is the procedures exactly ( I don't have any problem working any job if couldn't find a job in my field of study just temperay until i settle in i mean can those jobs keep me in canada after my open work visa finishes ? )
2- anybody went this way please share your experince with me thanks alot
same as many people here I am trying to immigrate legally to Canada i found the study way can be tough but there is benefit of open work visa for one year if I studied one year program
my questions as follows :
1- if i complete study on my own funding and got open work visa for 1 year and got some Canadian experience while studying can i work in restaurants or coffee shops just for time being to ensure my visa or what is the procedures exactly ( I don't have any problem working any job if couldn't find a job in my field of study just temperay until i settle in i mean can those jobs keep me in canada after my open work visa finishes ? )
2- anybody went this way please share your experince with me thanks alot